Event Dates

Station name and Establishment Year and Location

24 hours Rainfall amount (mm)

Rank of the Event



Korogwe Maji


Latitude: 5˚9'

Longitude: 38˚28'

Elevation: 259 m

175.9 mm

Highest 24 hours Rainfall for October, and third highest record for all months

7 deaths reported in Bungu, Dindira and Vungo villages in Korogwe District

Over 300 families were left homeless after their houses were severely destroyed (Mwananchi Newspaper, 10th October 2019)


Tanga (1941)

Latitude: 5˚5'

Longitude: 39˚4'

Elevation: 49 m

102.3 mm

Sixth highest 24 hours Rainfall for October

The Dar es Salaam to Tanga road was impassable causing transport disruption (HabariLeo, 14th October 2019)


Handeni (1928)

Latitude: 5˚26'

Longitude: 38˚2'

Elevation: 756 m

123.7 mm

Highest 24 hours Rainfall for October

14 people died in Handeni district (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation (ECHO), 28th October 2019).

15 bridges were damaged, and about 40 houses collapsed and other 70 houses drowned,

Flooded and destroyed bridges leading to disrupted transport between Dar es Salaam and Arusha (Daily News, 27th October 2019)


Morogoro (1950)

Latitude: 6˚50'

Longitude: 37˚39'

Elevation: 526

64.2 mm

Highest 24 hours Rainfall for October

11 people died due to floods, Farms and food crops destroyed (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation (ECHO), 16th October 2019)