Film Title | Box Office Revenue ($bn) | Ticket Sales | Dollars Spent per Ticket ($) | Share of Voice |
Ted | 0.556 | 32,796,860 | - | - |
Meet the Fockers | 0.516 | 32,285,473 | - | - |
The Hangover | 0.465 | 27,381,623 | - | - |
The Hangover 3 | 0.362 | 19,052,635 | - | - |
22 Jump Street | 0.331 | 17,438,625 | - | - |
Meet the Parents | 0.330 | 22,028,336 | - | - |
Little Fockers | 0.310 | 20,710,038 | - | - |
Austin Powers in Goldmember | 0.296 | 24,694,889 | - | - |
Total | 3.168 | 196,298,480 | 1.4 | 47% |