Film Title | Box Office Revenue ($bn) | Ticket Sales | Dollars Spent per Ticket ($) | Share of Voice |
Hangover 2 | 0.586 | 34,515,547 | - | - |
Les intouchables | 0.484 | 30,303,583 | - | - |
Bruce Almighty | 0.484 | 32,297,907 | - | - |
Sex and the City | 0.420 | 29,660,518 | - | - |
Never Say Die | 0.334 | 17,607,191 | - | - |
Feng Kuang De Wai Xing Ren | 0.326 | 17,165,805 | - | - |
The Devil Wears Prada | 0.326 | 20,379,572 | - | - |
Green Book | 0.320 | 18,825,258 | - | - |
Total | 3.278 | 200,755,382 | 1.54 | 49% |