
G1000 traditional

switch operated EFIS

GTN touchscreen

operated EFIS

Insert flight plan

Press FPL bottom, rotate knob to select alphabets for airport code, e.g., KBVS. Press ENT twice to confirm the airport, then rotate knob to select other waypoints.

Press Flight Plan box; press Add Waypoint, type in airport code, e.g., KBVS in keyboard. Press Enter to confirm the airport. Then add other waypoints.

Change flight plan

Rotate and press knob to select the desired airport to delete, press DEL and Press ENT to confirm deletion. Rotate knob to select alphabets for airport code, e.g., KBVS. Press ENT twice to confirm the airport.

Press the Waypoint Code box to delete desired airport, press Remove. Press Add Waypoint/Insert After/Insert Before, type in the desired airport code using keyboard, press Enter.

Change COM


Rotate COM-knob to select standby frequency, then press exchange bottom to change COM-standby frequency to COM-frequency.

Press STBY and type in COM-Standby frequency using keyboard, press Enter, then press COM to change frequency.

Zooming of map

Rotate knob to zoom, push knob up/down to switch the map upward/downward.

Use pinch and twist gestures for zooming and rotating.