Regional/Country and/or IREC priority umbrella | Policy framework and strategic plans initiative | Structural transformation in agriculture | Reference |
-SSA under AgriFoSe2030 memberships. -Case studies of SSA advanced pilot reports for adaptation and replication across the region as seen from work in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. | -Precision agriculture (PA) or precision farming. -Mobile technology and other smart technologies deployment to drive all processes, from tilling to post-harvesting. | -To adapt cultivation and animal husbandry practices to local or even within-field conditions rather than to use general recommendations. -Target increased productivity among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa through attaining appropriate management strategies in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of resource use. -Application of mobile technology devices to create opportunities for agribusiness, banking, commerce and investment. -Invigorate sustainable agricultural intensification among smallholder-based farmers. | [40] [41] [45] [47] [48] [51] [54] |
-Action plans related to national vision documents across SSA countries (e.g., South Africa Vision 2030, Nigeria Vision 2030, Kenya Vision 2030, Rwanda Vision 2020, Senegal Vision 2035, Cameroon vision 2035 etc). | -Food Security and economic policies. -Agricultural diversification, dietary and nutrition diversity. -Eco-conscious agricultural production. -Youth and women empowerment and entrepreneurship with a focus on agribusiness. -Gender sensitive land administration, access and tenure in countries experiencing declining farm size. -Agro-ecological zones targeted agricultural diversification and intensification. | -Increase government support to timely access of improved and good quality agro-inputs like seeds promote sustainable use of fertilizers and development of sustainable irrigation systems. -Accelerate key elements of improved agricultural systems; improving food trade and market integration through enhanced transport systems infrastructure and information systems at rural-urban, rural-rural and intra-Africa as well as internationally that allow for a better functioning of markets for both staples and non-staples especially for perishable products such as fruits, vegetables and livestock products, etc. -Private and state trade support and public buffer stocks. -Improve farmers’ skills and technical expertise in modern food production systems especially in rural settings and promote diversification into multiple enterprises, such as fisheries, livestock, apiculture, snail and mushroom production etc. -Adopting and advancing modern research approaches to adapting existing crops to the changing climate in order to meet food needs. -Harnessing biotechnological tools proactively to enhance long-term improvement in breeding, developing and promoting adaptive cultivars, encourage climate resilience in the gene pool, and catalyse a move away from over-dependence on land and exposed cultivation systems. -Enhancing legal infrastructure, awareness, administrative and technical capacity in implementing statutory laws related to land tenure and ownership while remaining alive of cultural, communal and religious barriers that can facilitate or limit optimal land use for agriculture production without gender bias. | [4] [22] [23] [24] [27] [28] [29] [31] [33] [38] [40] [41] [43] [47] [48] [52] [53] [54] [58] [59] [60] [61] |
African Union Institutional capability. | -Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP); Implementation of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and sustainable environment policies, programs and strategies in line with the aspirations of Agenda 2063. | -African governments to allocate at least 10% of national budgets to agriculture and rural development, and to achieve agricultural growth rates of at least 6% per annum. -Reducing poverty and malnutrition, for increasing productivity and farm incomes, and for improvements in the sustainability of agricultural production and use of natural resources. -Enhance resilience to climate variability through development of disaster preparedness, early warning response systems and social safety nets. -Trade and financial integration to incentivize manufacturing and agricultural sector value additions. | [41] [61] - [67] |