


Expected signs


Household size (X1)

Measured in terms of number of member(s) who eats in the same pot

negative relationship


Level of education of household head (X2)

Education refers to the level of formal and non-formal education and will be measured in terms of ability to read and write and enrolment in primary, secondary schools or above.

Educational level positively affects use of HIV /AIDS information


Age (X3)

Measured in terms of number of years of age.

negative relationship


information on HIV/AIDS, protective and preventive measures (X4)

Access to effective information was anticipated as the ability to improve on the level of ignorance. Access to timely information on HIV/AIDS protective and preventive measures could go a long away to contain the spread of HIV/AIDS. This variable was measured using list of items selected through systematic procedure.

Access to effective information was anticipated to have positive relationship