
Emotional sensitivity, stress and perceived health in naval cadets.

Personality, Psychological Stress, Marine, Psychological Aspects

Participants: 130 cadets (31 women and 99 men).

Descriptive-correlational, and transverse

Scale of stress situations (The Hassles Scale-Kanner, Coyne, Shafaer and Lazares 1981) adapted and validated by Castillo and Guarino (1998). Coping Style Questionnaire (CSQ), version adapted and validated by Guarino, Sojo and Bethelmy (2007). Health Status Checklist (HSC, Meadows, 1989), version adapted and validated in Spanish by Guarino (2005).

Positive relationship of stress and deterioration in the perceived health of cadets; Significant relationship between negative egocentric sensitivity (NES) and stress dimensions, with greater perception of stressful situations; And greater deterioration in health when using styles as coping adapted.

Caracas, Venezuela.


Ríos Risquez, Peñalver Hernández and Godoy Fernández

Burnout and perceived health care professionals in intensive care nursing

Burnout, MBI, Nursing, Health, Intensive Care Unit.

It shows 56 people.

Transversal description

Survey of socio-demographic and labor variables Ad-hoc. Maslach Burnout Inventory Questionnaire (MBI). General Health Questionnaire Questionnaire (GHQ-28) by Goldberg.

The levels of burnout and health found indicate a high vulnerability in the sample studied, recommending the implementation of prevention programs and labor intervention.

Murcia, España.


González Arratia, Valdéz Medina, and Zavala Borja

Resilience in Mexican adolescents

Resilience, Resilience Questionnaire

It shows 200 youth of Mexican secondary and preparatory of both genders between 14 and 18 years of age.


Resilience Questionnaire (Strength and Personal Security) developed by González-Arratia and Valdez-Medina (2005)

There is greater resilience in men with independent traits; For their part women need external support to be resilient.

Tepic, Nayarit. México