Analysis | Method |
Moisture (water) | AOAC, 2000. Official method of analysis 934.01* |
Ash | AOAC, 2000. Official method of analysis 942.05* |
Protein (N) | AOAC, 2000. Official method of analysis 968.06* |
Fat | AOAC, 2000. Official method of analysis 920.39* |
Energy (calculated) | Greenfield, H. and Southgate, D.A.T., 2003# |
Carbohydrates (calculated) | Greenfield, H. and Southgate, D.A.T., 2003# |
Available carbohydrates | Available carbohydrates = Dry Matter ? Protein ? Fat ? Ash ? NDF (neutral detergent fibre) (Ferreira, 2014) |
Starch | Enzymatic spectrophotometer (In-house method) |
Minerals | AOAC, 2000. Official method of analysis 935.13* [32] |