Information given by the pharmacist

With male clients (40 pharmacies) n (%)

With female clients (40 pharmacies) n (%)

With all clients (80 pharmacies) n (%)

The correct method of use was provided

Heard by the simulated customer

16 (40%)

31 (77.5%)

47 (58.8%)

Not heard by the simulated customer

23 (57.5%)

5 (12.5%)

28 (35%)

The wrong method of use was provided (i.e., tablets can be broken and swallowed by mouth)

Heard by the simulated customer

1 (2.5%)

1 (2.5%)

2 (2.5%)

Not heard by the simulated customer

0 (0%)

1 (2.5%)

1 (1.3%)

The client was requested to consult a gynecologist to obtain the relevant information

Heard by the simulated customer

0 (0%)

2 (5%)

2 (2.5%)

Not heard by the simulated customer

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)