Socio-demographic and economic correlates

Variables of COR theory

Whether they adopt economic adaptation strategies

Whether they choose agricultural adaptation strategies

Whether they undertake emotion-focused coping strategies


Phi = 0.40**

Phi = 0.35**

Phi = 0.68**


Phi = 0.06

Phi = 0.30*

Phi = 0.68

Ownership of land

Phi = 0.56**

Phi = 0.59*

Phi = 0.31**

Access to microcredit

Phi = 0.35*

Phi = 0.18*

Phi = 0.42


Phi = 0.27*

Phi = 0.67**

Phi = 0.49**

Ownership of television or mobile phone

Phi = 0.25*

Phi = 0.27*

Phi = 0.37**