IK weather forecast information

Conventional weather forecast information

Guiding to preparation for farming and other related activities by emphasizing on the involvement of local community. Knowledge for IKS is embedded in the community so the people become the custodians of the knowledge infrastructure.

The knowledge for the conventional system runs from Meteorological Agency to the communities therefore there is more precise information that would prepare a response in a manner that would reduce the risk and save the lives and livelihoods.

Communication networks are oral (not reliable)

Acts as early warning signs/one can prepare to deal with harsh weather conditions such as droughts, floods Local community get Daily updates of weather reports Via the observation of the weather changes.

Communication networks are reliable.

The conventional system for technical monitoring and warning services provides more accurate information on the risks with clarity on procedures.

Helps in knowing the period to store crops or seeds (in anticipation for dry season), it provides better planning and dependability and avoidance of disaster risks. Therefore, can easily be mobilized to appreciate the range of risks and encourage them to prepare for action by taking the warnings seriously.

For conventional warning systems, the information can be easily transmitted; but Meteorological Agency (METEO-Rwanda) should make sure that weather reports reach the remotest parts of the rural areas and in a language that is not familiar.

Continuous disappearance of IK indicators due to man-kind activities such as deforestation can leads to Unpredictability due to change in weather over time.

IKS lacks a formalized database.

A formalized database with the Accessibility of documents provides tremendous potential for an early warning system with the likelihood to substantially reduce the risk of exposure to disasters However, there is a need to develop easily accessible materials for use.