Indicators for predicting onset of rain season | Mean (M) | indicators for predicting the start of the dry season | Mean (M) |
Westerly Wind (Blowing from West to East) | 2.81 | Clear sky/White clouds | 2.9 |
Heavy dark cloud formation | 3 | Presences of Butterflies | 2.5 |
Unusual increased temperature (hot at night) | 2.75 | Drop in Temperatures at night/coldness at night | 2.6 |
Plants/trees start flowering | 2.55 | High temperature during the day/Hot morning | 2.5.9 |
Red/black ants movements uphill | 2.45 | Hot morning sunshine | 2.7 |
Migratory birds fly over to the community | 2.65 | Bright /clear moon | 2.65 |
Animals become restless | 2.5 | Earthquake /earth vibration | 2 |
Thunder/Lightening | 2.80 | Appearance of rainbows | 2.55 |
Joint pains felt by some elders | 2.1 | Morning star appearing in the east | 2.58 |
termites flying in the evening hours | 2.8 |