Unit root test at level

Unit root test at the first difference

Null hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)

Null hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)

Series: Relative Real Exchange Rate

Series: D (Relative Real Exchange Rate)

Sample: 2005M01 2019M12

Sample: 2005M01 2019M12

Exogenous variables: Individual effects

Exogenous variables: Individual effects

Automatic selection of maximum lags

Automatic selection of maximum lags

Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0 to 2

Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0 to 1

Total number of observations: 7569

Total number of observations: 7546

Cross-sections included: 43

Method: lm, Pesaran and Shin W-stat

Prob.** = 1.0000

Prob.** = 0.0000