


Horton (2000)


This article discusses ten underlying issues involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating capacity development in R & D organizations. The results show that evidence in other areas highlights the importance of high-level commitment and leadership, an important external environment, and effective management of organizational change processes. The success of many capacity development efforts is limited by the fact that they focus on technical factors and ignore major social and political obstacles.

Lusthaus et al. (1999); Lavergne & Saxby (2001)


The review of the latest literature deepens the understanding of the concept of capacity development by exploring some conceptual and practical issues related to capacity development and summarise their impact on planning, monitoring, and evaluation results. It also clarifies the implications of adopting a capacity development approach in development cooperation.

Brinkerhoff & Peter Morgan (2014); Govender (2016)

Introduces the topic of conventional conceptions of capacity development. Much of the dynamics and interactions that result in increased capacity to achieve results, perform, and cope with complex change.

Segrott et al. (2006); Gething & Leelarthaepin (2000); Clare & Hawes (2001); Iredale & Cleverly (1998); Farrington (1996); Crookes & Bradshaw (2002)

Australia and the United Kingdom

Discuss how to build a research culture in academia

the nursing department, specific strategies adopted and their results. The studies explore the issue of empowerment, describe the authors’ experience in adding research activities and fostering a research culture, including an assessment of the strategies used. The study the main obstacles to capacity building, adopt (or propose) capacity-building strategies in the literature, and considers a wide range of backgrounds. The literature provides many examples of capacity building strategies that follow future research directions.

Feldman & Acord (2002)

United States

Describes how two schools of nursing developed research activity, including support networks, strategic direction and the distribution of teaching and research loads.

Pearson (2012); Wilkes & Jackson (2013)

Concludes that an enabling research culture is an environment characterized by research productivity, positive collegial relationships, inclusivity, non-competitiveness, and effective research processes and training. The authors’ findings resonate with and provide empirical support for previous literature highlighting the importance of community and collegial relationships to research productivity.

Hill et al. (2003); Tyler et al. (2019)

Mainly the U.K.

Illustrates that developing a research culture in the academic sector promotes key aspects that require leadership, support, and effective management. Mapping primary medical research capabilities and funding, and proposing future capacity-building strategies, including building a sustainable infrastructure.

McCreaddie et al. (2018)


Shows that building research capacity includes supportive infrastructures, training, funded posts, and networks.

Nind & Lewthwaite (2018)



Examines the issues affecting the productivity of dental schools, including resources, recruitment, support, monitoring, and the creation of research environments.

Crossley (2019)


Explores how evaluation and research can aid “educational development in small states” and examines the cultural aspects of “north-south collaboration”.