
Mean (SD)

Median (Range)

General satisfaction with distance vision

4.7 (0.6)

5 (3 to 5)

General satisfaction with near vision

4.3 (0.7)

4 (3 to 5)

General satisfaction with intermediate vision

4.6 (0.7)

5 (3 to 5)

Adaptation between photopic and mesopic conditions

4.2 (1.0)

5 (2 to 5)

Ability to find the correct distance

4.9 (0.3)

5 (4 to 5)

Night driving

3.8 (0.8)

4 (3 to 5)

Vision during the day

4.7 (0.8)

5 (2 to 5)

Difficulties associated to halos

3.5 (1.2)

4 (1 to 5)

Adaptation between distance and near visual acuity and vice versa

4.4 (0.8)

5 (3 to 5)

Overall satisfaction

4.5 (0.8)

5 (2 to 5)