Hip extensors (Gluteus maximus)

Only transverse plane muscle activation. No lumbo-pelvic force closure.

This exercise needs to strengthen hip abductors in a closed-kinetic chain movement to directly rehabilitate Trendelenburg gait.

Patient has enforced transverse and frontal planes stabilization, thereby increasing lumbo-pelvic force closure and stability.

Modified plank

This exercise is a uni-planar exercise, movement in the sagittal plane. It has lumbo-pelvic stabilization.

Bi-planar movements, in the sagittal and transverse planes are needed. The exercise only enforces frontal plane stabilization. The multi-planar movement activates lumbo-pelvic force closure and stability. It counters both an anteriorly tilted pelvis and a Trendelenburg gait.

Multi-directional 3D-lunge

This lunge is a uni-planar movement.

Bi-planar movements, in the sagittal and transverse planes are needed. The exercise only enforces frontal plane stabilization. The multi-planar movement activates lumbo-pelvic force closure and stability. It counters both an anteriorly tilted pelvis and a Trendelenburg gait.