Can HIV be cured?

· Yes

66 (17.9)

· No

303 (82.1)

How are HIV patients managed?

· By praying

3 (0.87)

· By taking all the medicines given correctly throughout lifetime

316 (92.1)

· By taking all the medicines as prescribed until one feels better

18 (5.3)

· I don’t know

6 (1.8)

Do you feel people with HIV should get treatment and continue riding bodaboda?

· Yes

336 (90.1)

· No

37 (9.9)

Where should they get treatment?

· Pastors who will pray for them

4 (1.1)

· Traditional healers who will consult to forgive them

2 (0.55)

· To the drug shops or pharmacies and buy drugs for themselves

83 (22.9)

· Should go to the hospital/health facility for free HIV treatment

273 (75.4)

Do you believe that HIV/AIDS kills?

· Yes

359 (96.3)

· No

14 (3.8)

If yes, who does it kill?

· Those who don’t comply with medical treatment

345 (95.8)

· Those who don’t repent to God

4 (1.11)

· Those who refuse to appease the ancestors

2 (0.56)

· All those who are not infected

7 (1.94)

· I don’t know

2 (0.56)

Do you agree that people with HIV should stay together with their family members?

· Yes

355 (94.7)

· No

20 (5.33)

If yes, why should they stay together? (give reasons)

· Because they cannot infect them

65 (18.06)

· Because they need love and support from their family members

286 (79.4)

· Because they can die without them

7 (1.9)

· I don’t know

2 (0.56)