

Warm Up

· What is your role and how long have you been in your current role?


· Can you tell me about a time when collaboration between CTCs, DSBs or other service provider partners was highly effective?

· What were the outcomes of this effective collaboration for you, children, staff and families?

· How did the experience of effective collaboration make you feel?


· What are your greatest aspirations for system collaboration between children’s treatment centres and district school boards in service of students and families who participate in school-based rehabilitation therapy?

· Free yourself from what IS and embrace the art of the possible to imagine what could be—picture the ideal future vision of this collaboration. Describe what you would see, hear and feel if you were observing from above.


· What are directors/managers, superintendents doing to facilitate this highly effective collaboration?

· What are therapists and educators doing to facilitate highly effective collaboration?

· What are children doing—how are they benefiting?

· What are families doing—how are they engaged as partners?

· What are community leaders/organizations doing—how are they engaged?

· What factors are at play in the scenarios you envisioned which enabled effective collaboration?

· What beliefs, values and attitudes are important to ensure the success of these aspirations?


· What do children’s treatment centres and district school boards need to get there? What are the top three things/resources/supports?

· Please finish this sentence: Wouldn’t it be great if…