OMG Essence

States Relating to Requirements Engineering


Progress to Successful Completion


・ The initial set of stakeholders agrees that a system is to be produced.

・ The stakeholders that will use the new system are identified.

・ The stakeholders that will fund the initial work on the new system are identified.

・ There is a clear opportunity for the new system to address.


・ The stakeholders involved in developing the new system are identified.

・ The stakeholders agree on the purpose of the new system.

・ It is clear what success is for the new system.

・ The stakeholders have a shared understanding of the extent of the proposed solution.

・ The way the requirements will be described is agreed upon.

・ The mechanisms for managing the requirements are in place.

・ The prioritization scheme is clear.

・ Constraints are identified and considered.

・ Assumptions are clearly stated.


・ The requirements are captured and shared with the team and the stakeholders.

・ The origin of the requirements is clear.

・ The rationale behind the requirements is clear.

・ Conflicting requirements are identified and attended to.

・ The requirements communicate the essential characteristics of the system to be delivered.

・ The most important usage scenarios for the system can be explained.

・ The priority of the requirements is clear.

・ The impact of implementing the requirements is understood.

・ The team understands what has to be delivered and agrees to deliver it.


・ The stakeholders accept that the requirements describe an acceptable solution.

・ The rate of change to the agreed requirements is relatively low and under control.

・ The value provided by implementing the requirements is clear.

・ The parts of the opportunity satisfied by the requirements are clear.

・ The requirements are testable.


・ Enough of the requirements are addressed for the resulting system to be acceptable to the stakeholders.

・ The stakeholders accept the requirements as accurately reflecting what the system does and does not do

・ The set of requirement items implemented provide clear value to the stakeholders.

・ The system implementing the requirements is accepted by the stakeholders as worth making operational.


・ The stakeholders accept the requirements as accurately capturing what they require to fully satisfy the need for a new system.

・ There are no outstanding requirement items preventing the system from being accepted as fully satisfying the requirements.

・ The system is accepted by the stakeholders as fully satisfying the requirements.