No.2.1: To increase the capacity of institutions implementing SLM activities in the region

2.1: Institutional capacity building in mainstreaming gender in SLM project

Identify roles of different actors in mainstreaming gender in SLM project activities

Roles of different actors in mainstreaming gender in SLM project activities in place by the year 2015

No fund required

SLM Regional Coordination Office Consultants

Conduct training on gender mainstreaming and project sustainability to institutions in mainstreaming gender in SLM project activities

A training manual and workshop proceeding on gender mainstreaming and project sustainability to institutions mainstreaming gender in SLM project activities in place by the year 2016


SLM Regional Coordination Office and District Facilitative Teams

Conducting environmental conservation education and training to target youth below 35 years of age for enhanced natural resource conservation and product use

50% of youth below 35 years of age trained on environmental education for enhanced natural resource conservation and product use by the year 2018


SLM Regional Coordination Office, District Facilitative Teams and Traditional Institutions

Developing project proposal for financial mobilisation towards implementing activities related to gender mainstreaming in SLM project

Sources of funds and at least 2 project proposal identities and developed by the year 2015


SLM Regional Coordination Office

RAS Office

Recruit adequate staff with skills on gender mainstreaming, extension service, monitoring, and project evaluation and sustainability in the region

Regular recruit and appointment of SLM staff and supporting facilitators in the District Councils in place


SLM Regional Coordination Office

Goal No. 3: Enhanced monitoring and feedback mechanism for mainstreaming gender among institutions implementing SLM project and other interested stakeholders by the year 2019



No.3.1: To develop system and structure for monitoring and feedback mechanisms in mainstreaming gender in SLM project

3.1: Encourage participatory monitoring and feedback mechanism

Establish gender disaggregated data base in SLM activities

Gender disaggregated data base in SLM activities in place by the year 2018


SLM Regional Coordination Office and District Facilitative Teams

Regular Updating SLM project activities inputs, outputs and results

Regular updating SLM project activities inputs, outputs and results


SLM Regional Coordination Office and District Facilitative Teams

Develop system for information sharing and reporting to different stakeholders

system for information sharing and reporting to different stakeholders in place


SLM Regional Coordination Office

Acquisition of computer software and hardware for District facilitating teams for SLM data base management

7 computer and software packages for District facilitating teams implementing SLM activities acquired by the year 2015


SLM Regional Coordination Office

Conduct training on computer data base management systems

Computer data base management skills and competence developed to institutions implementing SLM activities by the year 2017


SLM Regional Coordination Office