
Game Management

Season of Games



Teams selected at random by the teachers

Only exist for one class at a time

Function as a team of champions rather than a champion team

Teachers dictated the progression and game development

Developed and taught by teachers

Teacher is a referee

Encouraging prosocial behaviour

Taking responsibility

Preventing selfish play

Avoiding harmful physical contact

The most important educational element but at the expense of other elements (team, game)

Sessions designed by the teacher including running, jumping, and throwing in different forms of activities, gymnastics, gymnastics with equipment and apparatus, dance, ball games, orienteering, skiing, skating, swimming, and development of physical functional skills


Selected with great care by teachers, thinking about balancing gender, ability, friendships

Stay together for entire unit

The aim is to function as champion team rather than a team of champions

Students dictated the rate of progression and game development

Developed by the teams using a set of criteria:

1) inclusion of specific motor skills

2) maximum participation

3) no separate referee or scorer (everyone plays―teacher is not a referee but a teacher)

4) use of same equipment types by each team (enabling sharing)

Familiarizing students with each other

Understanding of factors affecting team engagement

Supporting team engagement

Cooperation within and between teams

Respecting accomplishments of

other teams

Giving positive feedback considering team goals set by the students

Discussing improvement of games under teacher supervision

Students in teams design practice sessions focused on motor skills, team strategy, fitness by assessing need for practice in running, jumping, and throwing in different forms of activities, gymnastics, gymnastics with equipment and apparatus, dance, ball games, orienteering, skiing, skating, swimming, and development of physical functional skills

Formation of teams using workbooks (First 4 weeks)

Team name, chant and logo development (First 2 weeks)

Homework: creating a game based on CPE principles (In small teams across the intervention)