Questions Scored on a scale of 0, 1, 2, or 3 (except Q.29, 30 and 31 scored from 0 to 2) plus potential for bonus points (See Appendix 1 for scoring criteria). | TCMP score 2007 | TCMP score 2016 | Comments |
Q25. Monitoring and evaluation: Are governance indicators monitored and evaluated? |
| 1 | Q25. There seems to be limited information of governance indicators. |
Q26. Governance Parameters: 2 Bonus Points each |
| Q26. Information regarding stakeholders’ recommendations and stakeholders’ concerns was gathered in a previous research undertaken in 2007 when the management plan was developed and adopted. However, current information on these indicators is not available. |
Level of resource conflict |
| |
Existence of a decision-making and management body |
| 2 | |
Existence and adoption of a management plan |
| 2 | |
Local understanding of MPA and rules and regulations |
| |
Existence and adequacy of enabling legislation |
| |
Availability and allocation of MPA administrative resources |
| |
Existence and application of scientific research and input |
| |
Existence and activity level of community organization(s) |
| |
Degree of interaction between managers and stakeholders |
| |
Proportion of stakeholders trained in sustainable use |
| |
Level of training provided to stakeholders in participation |
| |
Level of stakeholders participation and satisfaction in management process and activities |
| |
Level of stakeholder involvement in surveillance, monitoring, and enforcement |
| |
Clearly defined enforcement procedures |
| |
Enforcement coverage |
| |
Degree of information dissemination to encourage stakeholder compliance |
| |
Supplemented questions in adapted scorecard for 2016 (Q20 - 26): Total score obtained out of a possible maximum of 98 | N/A | 34 |
Adapted scorecard for 2016: Total score obtained out of a possible maximum of 123 (original (25) + supplemental (98)) | N/A | 40 |