
Scored on a scale of 0, 1, 2, or 3 (except Q.29, 30 and 31 scored from 0 to 2) plus potential for bonus points (See Appendix 1 for scoring criteria).

TCMP score 2007

TCMP score 2016


Q6. Resource inventory: Is there enough information to manage the area?



Q6. Relevant information for management has increased in 2016 but monitoring is ad hoc.

Q7. Stakeholder awareness and concern: Are stakeholders aware and concerned about marine resource conditions and threats?



Q7. Approximately 50% - 75% of stakeholders are aware or concerned about the marine resource conditions and threats due to management capacity and development.

Total score obtained out of a possible maximum of 26



Inputs: Assessing resources needed for management

Q10. Research: Is there a program of management- oriented survey and research work?



Q10. Ad hoc research activities mainly conducted by external entities; limited data and availability.

Bonus Point: Carrying capacity studies have been conducted to determine sustainable use levels.

Q11. Staff numbers: Are there enough people employed to manage the MPA?



Q11. Staff number appears to be adequate but Rangers focus primarily on user fees for yachts and mooring maintenance.

Bonus Point: There is additional support from volunteer programs, local communities, etc.

Q12. Current Budget: Is the current budget sufficient?



Q12. Government provides approximately 25% of operating budget of some $225,000 with remainder from user fees and fines. Ad hoc research grants from external donors are being granted.

Bonus Point: There is a secure budget for the MPA and its management needs on a multi-year basis.



Bonus Point: The budget is not entirely dependent on government funding.


Total score obtained out of a possible maximum of 13



Outputs: Assessing implementation of management programs and actions, and delivery of products and services

Q27. Context indicators: 2 Bonus Points each

Q27. Legal status, regulations, law enforcement, and boundary demarcation have all improved since the MPA was established. In 1999 the presence of fishermen was reported on a daily basis on the area, fishing conch and lobster, while currently these practices have been much reduced. The resources inventory has been updated due to research conducted in the area regarding species abundance.

Has the legal status improved?


Have regulations improved?


Has law enforcement improved?


Has boundary demarcation improved?


Is the MPA part of Integrated Coastal Management?

Has the resource inventory improved?


Has stakeholder awareness and concern improved?

Q28. Product and Services:

Q28. There are a high number of moorings with new ones being installed.

Bonus point: Are signs available and have they been installed?

2 Bonus Points: Have moorings been installed?


Bonus point: Is there educational material available?

Q29. Stakeholder engagement: Are mechanisms available to ensure stakeholder participation? (Maximum score = 2)


Q29. It seems that no mechanisms for stakeholder participation in decision-making currently exist at the TCMP.

Q30. Environmental education for stakeholders: Have education activities been developed for stakeholders? (Maximum score = 2)


Q30. It seems that no education activities for stakeholders are being currently conducted.

Q31. Management activities: Have the most critical management activities been improved to address threats? (Maximum score 2)


Q31. Control of illegal fishing has improved since this measure was reported in 1999 but it still occurs within the MPA and tourism activities need to be better managed.

Q32. Visitor facilities: Does the MPA have adequate visitor facilities?


Q32. There are some facilities such as an interpretation center, moorings, and a small area for visitors in one of the Cays. Currently, there is a lack of washroom facilities.

Q33. Fees: If fees are applied, do they help MPA management?


Q33. Fees are applied to all visitors and are used for management of the MPA.

Q34. Staff training: Is the staff adequately trained?


Q34. Training seems to be developed in a non-consistent basis, and needs to be improved.

Total score obtained out of a possible maximum of 33