Taking measures such as modifying clothes according to individual disabilities

176 (32.6)

81 (24.9)

46 (23.0)

Adjusting bed height and mattress hardness for easy bed-leaving

470 (86.9)

272 (83.8)

154 (76.4)

Encouraging the use of a nurse call system

452 (83.5)

284 (87.7)

142 (70.3)

Paying attention to putting wheelchairs and bed stoppers in position

509 (94.0)

307 (94.9)

195 (96.6)

Occasionally using a waist belt or a wheelchair table to prevent residents from slipping off wheelchairs

87 (16.1)

64 (19.8)

126 (62.2)

Using a protective device (e.g., hip protector, cushioning mats) for residents at high risk of falls

251 (46.4)

125 (38.6)

70 (34.5)

Using a bed-leaving sensor or a similar device for residents at high risk of falls

403 (74.5)

250 (77.2)

105 (52.0)

Putting mittens or gloves on residents to prevent them from removing tubes and damaging their skin

189 (34.9)

92 (28.4)

173 (85.8)

Occasionally restricting the range of activities of residents who wander aimlessly

78 (14.5)

47 (14.4)

75 (37.2)

Providing individual residents who can go out with opportunities to have a walk or outing

449 (83.0)

227 (70.1)

124 (61.5)