Meaning units

I couldn’t screen for depression in all the older people in this district alone. There are thousands of them, it was impossible. I then have to teach the method of screening elders with 2Q to the other general nurses who are responsible for other chronic disease departments, such as the diabetes or hypertension clinics. I also have to depend on other networks, such as the nurses at the primary health care centers. I have to teach them how to do the basic screening so they can help pre-screen the risk group and send them to me for further screening with 9Q. After that, I would check the elder’s score, evaluate, record the data in the computer, and send that elder to see a physician.

Condensed meaning unit

Screening for depression with a large number of older people could not be done completely by one psychiatric nurse so the method of screening was taught to nurses to screen the older people. The primary screening was confirmed and recorded by psychiatric nurse after they were sent to a physician.


Screening for depression


Being responsible for patient screening procedures.


Managing a central role in the care of the patients.