Drug Therapy

Epinephrine 0.01 ­ 0.03 mg/kg IV/IO; repeat every 3 ­ 5 minutes if heart rate is less than 60 bpm. Epinephrine 0.05 ­ 0.1 mg/kg ETT (not preferred route).

Crystalloid 10 mL/kg IV/IO

Sodium bicarbonate (4.2%) 1 ­ 2 mEq/kg IV/IO only for prolonged resuscitation and only if effective ventilation

Dextrose (10%) 0.2 g/kg then 5 mL/kg/hr IV/IO if blood glucose level is less than 40 mg/dL

Naloxone is not recommended


Check pulse at brachial or femoral artery.

Compression landmarks: Lower third of sternum between the nipples Method: Thumb­encircling

Depth: Approximately one­third anteroposterior chest diameter

Allow complete chest recoil after each compression

Compression rate: 100 ­ 120 per minute

Compression­to­ventilation ratio of 3:1

Coordinate compressions with ventilation
Minimize interruptions in compressions to less than 10 seconds


Preterm newborns (<35 weeks) should receive low oxygen (FiO2 21% ­ 30%).

Suction after birth is only for babies with obvious obstruction or who require positive pressure ventilation.

Suctioning during delivery has been shown to have no value.


If meconium is present and the newborn is vigorous with good respiratory effort and muscle tone, he or she may stay with the mother, and bulb suctioning can be considered.

If the infant is born through meconium­stained amniotic fluid and presents with poor muscle tone and inadequate breathing efforts, move him or her to a radiant warmer and follow typical initial evaluation steps.

If meconium is present, routine intubation for tracheal suction is not recommended.
If meconium is present and the infant is nonvigorous, current literature does not support routine intubation.


Rate of 40 ­ 60 breaths per minute

Watch for visible chest rise.

Administer positive end­expiratory pressure (PEEP), if available.

Consider Intubation

Ineffective or prolonged bag­mask ventilation

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is being performed

Special circumstances such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Target Preductal SpO2 At Birth

1 minute: 60% ­ 65%
2 minutes: 65% ­ 70% 3 minutes: 70% ­ 75% 4 minutes: 75% ­ 80% 5 minutes: 80% ­ 85% 10 minutes: 85%­95%