
Illustrative quotes

Yes 76.9%

P2: [My] view of the benefits of being physically active have changed dramatically…like jogging, and being an active, I see myself in another spectrum of people. I see a more positive person, more cheerful person, I see myself as being more motivated.

P3: They have changed…recognising that physical exercise and lifestyle changes can help, feel better, lose weight and to feel more upbeat about things.

P11: I’m viewing myself as someone who started again from zero and slowly making his way up to where he was.

P16: Before I would be very negative on myself. Now a bit more positives, my attitude is better. Yes. [I see myself as] someone who exercises.

P30: I see myself as slightly different…as someone healthier.

No 23.1%

P8: I’ve always been active. So that hasn’t changed. It’s just making me better.

P9: …always been the case [that I view myself as someone who actively does physical activity and exercise].