
Illustrative quotes

Improved sleep quality

P2: Has helped me sleep better.

P6: Encourages me to go to bed on time.

Increased physical activity

P3: Encouraging me to become more active.

P18: It’s got me to be more active.

Improved physical health

P8: …health, so, I walk and exercise.

P9: I think it keeps you on track for getting healthier.

P15: Well, it helps you keep you healthy.

Monitoring calorie intake

P6: I like the calorie counting one because it helps me think about what I’m taking in.

P9: I think it keeps you on track for losing weight.

Provides motivation to be physically active

P14: …makes you want to do more…it’s little bits of positive reinforcement. It is a bit of a pat on the back.

P15: It helps you and motivates you when you see how many steps you’ve done, and it motivate you to do more steps.

P16: It keeps me on track, it keeps me motivated.

Provides more structured day

P30: It gives you some order, a routine.