Author ID


Study design

Participant characteristics



Maenner 2018


Retrospective descriptive study

234 children, aged 7 - 9 years, male to female ratio; 4.6:1.0

Results indicated that children of immigrants and refugees, and Somali children in particular, are being identified more frequently with ASD with intellectual disability than are other groups.


Barnevik-Olsson, 2010


Retrospective analysis

113,391 children, aged 6 - 10 years,

The increased prevalence remained and was now between four and five times higher in children of Somali background.


Hassan, 2012


Retrospective descriptive analysis

61,773 children, aged 0 - 19 years,

The analysis shows a higher prevalence of autism in Somali, Black African and Black Caribbean children which is at least twice the prevalence in all other ethnic groups in our borough


Hewwit, 2016


Retrospective descriptive study

12,329 children, aged 7 - 9 years

Results indicated that Somali (1 in 32) and White (1 in 36) children were about equally likely to be identified with ASD, but more likely to be identified with ASD than Black and Hispanic children


Barnevik-Olsson, 2010


Retrospective analysis

113,391 children, aged 6 - 10 years,

The increased prevalence remained and was now between four and five times higher in children of Somali background.
