Citation | Burst | Author | Year | Title | Source |
85 | 14.14 | | | Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social-ecological systems analyses | GLOBAL ENVIRON CHANG |
24 | 6.04 | | | Scale-crossing brokers and network governance of urban ecosystem services: the case of stockholm | AMBIO |
25 | 5.71 | | | Resilience thinking: integrating resilience, adaptability and transformability | ECOL SOC |
14 | 4.44 | | | Resilience, ecology and adaptation in the experimental city | T I BRIT GEOGR |
31 | 4.43 | | | Resilient cities: meaning, models, and metaphor for integrating the ecological, socio-economic, and planning realms | LANDSCAPE URBAN PLAN |
32 | 3.94 | | | Adaptive governance of social-ecological systems | ANNU REV ENV RESOUR |
13 | 3.57 | | | From fail-safe to safe-to-fail: Sustainability and resilience in the new urban world | LANDSCAPE URBAN PLAN |