Length of section to be rehabilitated | Current service level | Type of refection | Nature of the work | Unit cost (FCFA/km) | Production cost (FCFA) |
16.500 km | Good | Current maintenance | Point in time | 8,000,000 | 132,000,000 |
5.500 km | Medium | Current maintenance and/or periodic maintenance | Point in time and/or carpet of asphalt (5 cm) | 90,000,000 | 495,000,000 |
10.000 km | Bad | Periodic maintenance | Base course in lateritic-cement and/or surface layer in asphalt concret | 150,000,000 | 1,500,000,000 |
21.500 km | Very bad | Reinforcement | Base course in lateritic-cement and/or surface layer in asphalt concret | 150,000,000 | 3,225,000,000 |
Total = 53.500 km | Total = 5,352,000,000 |