Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

· Age ≥ 18 years (male or female)

· Informed consent obtained

· Patients presenting with one great ingrowing toenail rated as either “slightly ingrowing”, “somewhat ingrowing” or “very ingrowing” on the IITS scale

· Score of at least 3 on the Subject Pain Intensity (SPI) scale on at least 1 day of the preceding week

· The affected toenail must have a minimum 2 mm of distal edge and a minimum nail width of 16 mm

· Patients should be willing and able to take part in the study for the full 6 weeks and be able to understand the information provided to them

· Any other toenail pathology (including pincer or spicule toenail)

· Previous participation in this study, or any other clinical study in the previous 30 days

· If patients are immunocompromised or suffer from impaired feeling in the feet due to diabetes, peripheral vascular disease or neuropathy

· Any cutaneous pathology or cuts/abrasions that could compromise safety or affect the outcome of the study (e.g. interfere with assessments)

· Known sensitivity/allergy to any component of the treatment kit

· Significant current or past medical history of hepatic, renal, cardiac, pulmonary, digestive, hematological, neurological, locomotor or psychiatric disease

· Concomitant medication that might affect the response to the treatment or confuse the results

· Patients must not be on regular pain relief and must not take any analgesics in the 24 hours before any onsite visit

· Patients whose situation would, in the view of the investigators, interfere with optimal participation in the study or be at special risk in doing so

· Female patients of childbearing age not willing or able to take adequate contraceptive precautions or abstain from sexual activity

· Female patients who are currently pregnant or a lactating mother