


Store 1

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Shelves are not full.

Store 2

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Shelves are full and in order (brands are alternately placed).

Store 3

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Shelves are full and in order (but products near their expiry dates are placed on the back).

Store 4

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Many points on the shelves are empty.

Store 5

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Many points on the shelves are empty.

Store 6

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Many points on the shelves are empty. Products are randomly and alternately placed (shampoos are placed with shower creams). Many products are placed on the payment counter.

Store 7

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Many points on the shelves are empty. Products are randomly placed. Many products are placed on the payment counter.

Store 8

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Shelves are full and in order. Promotion products are placed at a special area (redemption products).

Store 9

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Shelves are full and in order. Promotion products are placed at a special area (redemption products).

Store 10

Product types and zones are clearly classified. Shelves are full and in order. Promotion products are placed at a special area (redemption products).