Principles of adult learning

Empirical foundations

Learning should be self-directed

There is growing evidence suggesting that when adult learners are encouraged to be responsible for their own learning the information is learnt more easily and quickly (Merriam, 2001; Blondy, 2007) .

Learning should fill an immediate need

Adults tend to learn better when the information is related to a perceived need (Merriam, 2001; Blondy, 2007) .

The learning should be experiential and highly participatory

Most adults are task-oriented, which means they learn best when it relates to their experience (Merriam, 2001; Blondy, 2007) .

Learning environments should be

respectful and encouraging

Mutual respect and trust encourage people to share their views more openly (Merriam, 2001; Blondy, 2007) .