Variable | Definition | Denote as | Expected sign |
Profit |
| Prof | + |
Asset | The physical and financial “property” of a bank, what a bank owns | Ass | − |
Interbank loan | Sum of money that banks borrow or lends among each others | InLn | + |
Customer loan | The amount of money the customers borrow from the banks | CuLn | + |
Interbank Debt: | Amount that one bank owes the other banks | IDbt | − |
Customer Debt: | The amount of money the Customers have in the Bank | Cubt | − |
Risk | This determines the risk aptitude of a particular bank in making investments | Risk | + |
Real GDP Growth |
| rgdp_gr | + |
Saving Rate |
| SR | + |
Share of Banks in the GDP |
| Sbgdp | + |
GDP per Capita |
| Grat | + |