The following questions seek to understand what you thoughts in relation to the death of your parent

40. Do you still think your parent will come back?

YES ☐ NO ☐

41. Since your parent died, have you had thoughts that your loved one did not have to die?

YES ☐ NO ☐

42. Since your parent died, have you had thoughts that life is unbearable without them?

YES ☐ NO ☐

43. Since your parent died, have you had thoughts that the only thing that can really help you is to have this person back?

YES ☐ NO ☐

44. Since your parent died, have you had thoughts that you could have done something to stop the death?

YES ☐ NO ☐

45. Since your parent died, have you had thoughts that relatives/doctors did not do enough to stop the death?

YES ☐ NO ☐

46. Since your parent died, have you had thoughts that you have no one to turn now that your loved one is gone?

YES ☐ NO ☐

47. Since your parent died, have you had thoughts that something is wrong with you because you are grieving so much? You should be over this by now?

YES ☐ NO ☐


The next questions will ask you about your school life in terms of school attendance and academic performance

48. Did any of your teachers attend the burial of your parent?

YES ☐ NO ☐

49. After the burial how long did you stay without going to school?

Less than two weeks ☐

More than a month ☐

A whole term ☐

More than one term ☐

50. Since your parent died have you had to miss school?

YES ☐ NO ☐

51. If YES why did you miss school

Lack of school fee ☐

Lack of school items (uniform, books, pencils). ☐

Chores at home ☐

Sickness ☐

Discipline issues ☐

Others ☐

52. Compared to the time before your parent died do you feel your performance in school has reduced?

YES ☐ NO ☐

53. If yes above, what is causing the reduction in performance?

I am not able to concentrate in class or to read ☐

I am worried about my future and/or that of my siblings ☐

I have no interest in reading anymore ☐

54. Which of these factors could also contribute to your drop in performance?

I am absent from school a number of times ☐

At home I have no time to read due to house chores ☐

I lack school items such as books, stationeries ☐