14.2. Your partner gets angry or makes surly or aggressive comments unexpectedly and without your knowing the reason |
15.1. You have interrupted, not listened, not answering or you have manipulated the message |
15.2. Your partner has interrupted you, has not listened you, has not answering to you or has manipulated the message |
16.1. Do you think your partner is like a child that needs to be cared for or protected |
16.2. Your partner treats you like a child that needs to be cared for or protected |
17.1. You have read the messages or emails that they send to your partner without their permission, or you listen to telephone conversations without them knowing |
17.2. Do you think your partner reads messages or emails without your permission |
18.1. You don’t express your own feelings, often you close emotionally |
18.2. Your partner does not express their own feelings, often closes emotionally |
19.1. You make excuses to justify yourself (“I didn’t want to,” “I didn’t realize,” “it was the fault of my obligations”) |
19.2. Your partner makes excuses to justify himself (“I didn’t want to,” “I didn’t realize,” “it was the fault of my obligations”) |
20.1. You cheat, lie or do not comply with partner agreements |
20.2. Your partner cheats you, lies or does not comply with partner agreements |
21.1. You disregard the responsibilities or domestic tasks |
21.2. Your partner disregards domestic responsibilities or tasks |
22.1. You question the fidelity of your partner |
22.2. Your partner questions your fidelity |
23.1. Your threats to leave the relationship or to have an affair with another person |
23.2. Your partner threatens you to leave the relationship or to have an affair with another person |
24.1. You make your partner feel sorry for you (“without you I don’t know what to do”, “if you’re not there, something bad will happen to me”). |
24.2. Your partner makes you feel sorry for him/her |
25.1. You downplay the duties or activities that your partner performs |
25.2. Your partner downplays the duties or activities you do |