The proposed agility process in the higher education system

In the higher education system in Iraq

In the commodity manufacturing system

Seven wastes

Reconsidering the process of determining the curricula that are appropriate to the specialty and canceling all the curricula that do not add scientific value to the student such as (freedom, rights, computers)

Introduce more curricula into the teaching process than the specialization the student needs and include it in its contents without meaning, such as human rights, freedom and democracy. Rights and freedoms do not know, are not given, but are taken away from their usurpers

Insert more resources into the production process than required


Using the electronic linking of the electronic models for the halls (blackboards) in a way that achieves the shortening of time and the lack of transmission of the teaching, but the professor gives the lecture while he is in his room to many halls and the related laboratories or make the classrooms very wide “and the setting of monitoring cameras in the performance of the exams linked to a monitoring unit in the university

The teacher moved from his room to the location of the classroom or the laboratory, if he was far away, which might cause his leg to be broken by using a lot of stairs, especially if he was old

The systematic transfer process exposes the commodity to damage, loss, delay, failure and breakage


Using paper scrap and returning it to the paper mills to make a paper pulp for the university to re-manufacture it again and deducting the cost of raw materials from it, which can be returned instead of burning after a prescribed period, but destroying it first is not burning

Store old records, outdated books and exam books

When materials are stored (raw, semi-finished, semi finished, or finished goods) It represents capital that does not generate income for the product or customer and is considered wasted.


The use of electronic models reduces the additional movement and instill values of responsibility, honesty and persistence And punctuality and duties

The movement and silence of the university employee in excess during working hours that do not add value to work (such as food, tea, smoking, speech, and the use of regular stairs and many of them, as well as the additional movement of wiping the blackboard for more than once during the lecture time

The movement of the worker in the factory without work

the movement

Immediately stop “from interest in non-distinguished groups, and the researchers denounces such ideas and we should not forget the talented students because they are the leaders of tomorrow, and use the immediate reinforcement of their accomplishments, motivating the first students and rewarding them by accepting higher studies and suspending their names with honor boards instead of motivating the losers and making them feel that they are spoiled by the higher authorities In the ministry and accountability of the foundations of this destructive miserable culture of science that discourages success and trying not to fall as a victim of pressure groups and get rid of the concept of quantum in education to the concept

Mistakes of university work decisions, such as shocking the return of the Mistakes of university work decisions, such as shocking the return of the chimney, their restrictions to study seats, working with the loading system with one, two materials, and third-floor exams (which may lead to the disappearance of the idea of success and failure and replacing it with cognitive decay) and spending on it efforts and funds without success, as well as condoning some attempts to cheat as deliberate procrastination to deal With it, which leads to the transitional student moving to advanced stages, as is the case with good students, to set an example for other abusers and distort the march and achievements of competent cadres in Iraqi higher education

Damaged goods that violate production and consumption, which require the return of additional costs
