S. N.* | Goodness of Fit Index* | Value* | Acceptable Threshold Value# |
1 | CMIN | 904.014 | - |
2 | Df (Degrees of Freedom ) | 520 | - |
3 | CMIN/DF | 1.738 | good if <3 |
4 | GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) | 0.842 | Range 0 - 1, good if more towards 1 |
5 | IFI (Incremental Fit Index) | 0.952 | good if ≥0.90 |
6 | TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index) | 0.944 | good if ≥0.90 |
7 | CFI (Comparative fit Index) | 0.951 | good if ≥0.90 |
8 | RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) | 0.051 | good if <0.08 |
9 | P Close | 0.349 | good if close to or equal to 1 |
10 | ECVI (Expected Cross Validation Index) | Default Model = 4.000 ECVI value for Saturated Model = 4.484 ECVI value for Independence Model = 30.418 | Default model should have least ECVI value |