Potential Focus Group Conversation Guided Questions

Demographics-Related Questions

Breast and Cervical Cancer-Related Questions

How would you describe your family of origin?

What do you understand about breast cancer prevention and screening? What about cervical cancer?

Are you employed and how would you describe your socio-economic status?

What concerns do you have about locating and participating in breast cancer screening? Cervical cancer?

Do you have health insurance? If no, why? If yes, what does your insurance cover?

How does your awareness level about breast and cervical cancer screenings influence your utilization of the available screening resources?

What type of health insurance do you have? (If applicable)

What are your personal barriers that have influenced your breast cancer screening behavior? What about cervical cancer?

How affordable is your health insurance, and what factor or factors determined your choice of insurance?

Do you see culture and stereotype as barriers to breast cancer screening? If so, in what ways? What about cervical cancer?

Where do you go if you need routine care, like a checkup?

What are your attitudes and beliefs towards breast cancer screening? What about cervical cancer?

Where do you go if you have a medical emergency?

How knowledgeable are you about breast cancer and cervical cancer screening recommendations? Please explain.

Tell me about your medical insurance (i.e. Quality, cost, etc.).

What are the resources available in your community for breast cancer screening? What about cervical cancer?

What are your thoughts or feelings about your healthcare?

Do you know how to get available breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings? Please describe the process.

How adequate do you think your health insurance is when compared to your health needs?

Have you ever had breast cancer screening? What about cervical cancer screening? Please explain what type of screening you had and your experience.

What was the most challenging aspect of breast cancer screening? What about cervical cancer?

What factors in your opinion would better enhance your experience and/or utilization of breast cancer screening?

Does your socio-economic status influence your breast and cervical cancer screening habits?

What is your advice for African American women about breast and cervical cancer screening?

What advice do you have for healthcare providers to improve breast and cervical cancer screening services for African American women?