Video Type

Application purpose

Application method

Application Features

Focused video

Supporting teachers in accomplishing their professional development goals more efficiently and adaptively, and in solving their practical teaching problems in a more targeted manner

Video clips that need to be carefully selected and edited to reflect key events and important features of the classroom

Demonstrate the most significant teaching activities or tasks in the classroom from multiple perspectives

Integrated video

Supporting teachers’ contextualized understanding of teaching and learning, as well as self-directed exploration and learning of complex, ill-structured constructs of teacher expertise

Linking videos and various types of classroom background information

Enrich video-centered instructional support that creates a cognitively resilient learning environment

Scripted video/Analog video

Training and testing (pre-service) teachers’ professional knowledge and skills

Developing instructional scripted or simulation videos based on evidence from theoretical research and practical experience

The presentation of a pre-planned, artificial classroom situation is a manifestation of practice approximation

360˚ panoramic video

Providing teachers with real-life-like sensory and imaginative experiences that promote embodied reflection

Record and capture all aspects of the classroom using a 360˚ camera, and observe using a VR headset or a device that supports 360-degree video playback

Enrich video presentation perspectives, based on real classrooms for a more immersive experience