
Cases Handled

Types of Services Provided

Educational Programs/Campaigns

Achievements/Notable Changes


405 cases of trafficking victims/potential victims, victims of violence

Temporary/emergency sheltering, psychological/legal assistance, health care, educational support, social-cultural activities, professional training, employment training and mediation, business development support, monitoring, and follow-up

Informed over 1100 youths and 600 community members

39 potential victims and 3 children identified by the mobile unit; Reported to Vlora Police Directorate and Responsible Authority at the Ministry of Interior; 80% of these cases included in the long-term reintegration program.


413 cases of trafficking victims/potential victims, victims of violence

Sheltering, psychological/legal assistance, health care, educational support, social-cultural activities, professional training, employment and business support, monitoring, and follow-up

Informed over 1242 students and over 2000 community members

370 victims of trafficking, sexual abuse, and family violence included in reintegration program, of which 293 were new cases for 2019; 98 children of these victims were also supported.


96 survivors of trafficking supported with reintegration services, 53 children of former victims supported, 277 survivors of domestic/gender-based violence supported

Safe accommodation, psychological support, medical support, legal support, support in education, vocational and recreational activities, support for children of victims, family relations strengthening, employment counselling, vocational training, micro-business establishment, long-term monitoring

200 youth and 4000 community members participated in informative and awareness activities

Despite COVID-19 challenges, continued provision of comprehensive services; introduction of online counselling; expansion of mobile units; assisted return from Serbia and Switzerland; significant support for victims despite pandemic; emergency support for 82 families affected economically by the pandemic


347 cases supported (327 victims of violence and 20 offenders)

Legal and psychological services, sheltering in Vatra centre and rented apartments, medical assistance, educational support, vocational training, employment mediation, economic empowerment support

Educational needs assessment and support for 71 children and youth, victims of trafficking and family violence with school supplies for the 2021-2022 school year

Financial support for housing rent for 47 victims and 71 of their children, professional training in aesthetics, sewing, cooking, hairdressing, hydraulic and barbering for 25 beneficiaries, employment training for 14 beneficiaries, employment mediation for 85 beneficiaries with successful employment and monitoring for 44 in various sectors


Over 50 trafficking victims and over 300 victims of domestic and gender-based violence received support

Emergency accommodation, psychosocial support, legal aid, health care, educational support, vocational training, assistance in social reintegration and employment

Awareness campaigns reached thousands, including students, community members, and professionals

Expanded services to include online psychological counselling, increased capacity for emergency housing, enhanced vocational training programs, strengthened partnerships for employment placement of beneficiaries