

Key feature

Key transition

Marketing 1.0

Kotler et al. (2010)


(Product development)

Ÿ Sell products & Services

Ÿ Mass buyers with physical needs

Ÿ Product development

Ÿ Product specification

Ÿ Functional value

Ÿ One-to-many transaction

Ÿ Industrial revolution

Marketing 2.0

Kotler et al. (2010)



Ÿ Satisfy and retain customers

Ÿ Smarter consumers with mind and heart

Ÿ Differentiation

Ÿ Corporate and product positioning

Ÿ Functional and emotional

Ÿ One-to-one relation

Ÿ Information technology

Marketing 3.0

(Kotler et al., 2010)



Ÿ Make the world a better place

Ÿ Smarter consumers with mind and heart

Ÿ Values

Ÿ Corporate vision and values

Ÿ Functional, emotional and spiritual

Ÿ Many-to-many cooperation

Ÿ New wave technology

Marketing 4.0

(Kotler et al., 2017)

Localized Virtual Marketing

(Mass customization, JiT)

Ÿ Today create the future

Ÿ Collective of fully conscious buyers

Ÿ Mass customization, & Just-in-Time (JiT) Production

Ÿ Values, vision and anticipation

Ÿ Functional, emotional, spiritual and self-creative

Ÿ Many-to-many co-creation and cooperation

Ÿ Cybernetic revolution and Web 4.0