
Skills (cited in literature)

Practice skills


Supremacy of the individual

A sociological imagination

“She criticizes the abstraction of European modernity from its colonial context”

(Bhambra, 2007)

Open to paradox and contradiction co-existing attitudes and hierarchies.

Cultural supervision embedded within project

Lack of attention to power on to power Awareness of power issues including that of researcher and research project

“a collaborative process and one that is attentive to power inequities and diversity” (Heard, 2018: p. 8)

Explanation of researcher’s goal ideology /baggage, confidentiality discussed

Cultural supervision embedded within project

Lack of attention to context Awareness of context and non-verbal cues, localised boundaries and sanctions

Attention to importance of symbols, i.e. dress, diet, gender, face, humour

Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2013) .

Ability to adapt the non-expert Socratic position

Cultural supervision embedded in project

Lack of attention to how leadership is accomplished rather than who accomplishes it

The behaviour of emerging minority leaders, for example, can be predicted by their decisions to make their social identity salient when they are in a minority or a majority from Ospina and Su, 2009. p. 134 .

Awareness of what works what doesn’t routinely on a day to day basis in rapidly changing situations.

Cultural supervision embedded in project

Attention to how awareness of those not publicly in charge

individuals do not possess authoritative power (Heard, 2018: p. 1)

Conflicting agendas

Cultural supervision embedded in project