
Study design



Quality review

Matsumoto, 2019

An online survey and primary research

305 nursing managers

The result of the primary research has highlighted that nurses must have good team management and HRM knowledge to manage and lead the nursing team in healthcare and deliver the best performance to the patients.

The primary research and survey have evaluated the HRM practice in the practical teaching system of China in a real-time context to make the research valuable.

Hou, 2021

Primary research

30 nursing undergraduate students

The practice of the practical teaching system on HRM makes the trainee nurse understand the leadership skill and make them able to be a leader in health care.

The research paper has depicted the China nursing school environment to understand the impact of practical HRM practice in nursing education.

Xu et al., 2019

Primary research

30 teachers in Chinese nursing school

Practical teaching on HRM guides trainee nurses to overcome the HRM issue in future career life

The research has been based on the opinion of nursing teachers whose respondents are valuable to understanding HRM practice in parcel teaching of the Chinese education board.