Slope range (%)

P0 = Pi0 = P for no erosion control measure in any cultivated parcel in Sebeya catchment

P1 = Pi1 = P for one measure acting alone in each cultivated parcel in Sebeya catchment

P2 = Pi2 = P for a combination of 2 erosion measures in each cultivated parcel in Sebeya catchment

P3 = Pi3 = for a combination of 3 erosion measures in each cultivated parcel in Sebeya catchment

(0 - 6)

P1-0: Contour tillage + Crop cover.

P1-1: Contour tillage + Crop cover

P1-2: Contour tillage + Mulching

P1-3: Contour tillage + Mulching + anti-erosive

(6 - 16)

P2-0: Contour tillage + Crop cover

P2-1: Contour tillage + Contour bund + Crop cover

P2-2: Contour tillage Contour bund + Mulching

P2-3: Contour tillage + Contour bund + Mulching + anti-erosive

(16 - 40)

P3-0: Contour tillage + Crop cover

P3-1: Bench terraces + Contour tillage + Crop cover

P3-2: Bench terraces + Contour tillage + Mulching

P3-3: Bench terraces + Contour tillage + Mulching + drainage channels

(40 - 60)

P4-0: Contour tillage + Crop cover

P4-1: Bench terraces + Contour tillage + Crop cover

P4-2: Bench terraces + Contour tillage + Mulching

P4-3: Bench terraces + Contour tillage + Mulching + drainage channels

(> 60)

P5-0: Afforestation

P5-1: Afforestation

P5-2: Afforestation

P5-3: Afforestation