Methodological Issue

Literature Summary

In-house Expertise

While reusing software allows a business to leverage off the expertise of others, there is still the need for in-house expertise to understand, adapt and implement these reused components cited in [35] [37] [38] [39] showing agreement among researchers.

Meeting pre-conditions for utilizing OSS

Proper training of all software developers and testers to deal with OSS, including documentation, thorough programming guidelines, testing and programming and software design [36] , with elements of this noted by [29] [30] . Again there is agreement within the literature that these issues will impact all users of reused software components.

Crowded OSS Market

Open-source software has increased exponentially which had led to the creation of large repositories where software could be stored and viewed by others. Makes it harder to search through all options and make a choice [31] [33] .


Stance adopted by some that avoids using or buying already existing products, research, standards, or knowledge because of their external origins [5] [43] .