V-Knowledge of The Disease

1. Have you ever heard about skin cancer? a. Yes b. No

2. If yes, by what means?

a. The media

b . Health agents

c. A kin (sister/brother/cousin)

d. A person suffering from cancer

3. Please answer by yes or no to the following questions:

a. A spot, a wound or a dermal mark can be the beginning of a skin cancer: True False

b. Skin cancer is a serious disease: True False

c. A contagious disease: True False

d. A disease that everybody can have: True False

e. Albinos are the most spared by skin cancer: True False

f. Albinos are the most exposed to skin cancer: True False

4. What are the symptoms of a beginning cancer

a. No sign (asymptomatic) b. Pains

c. Dermal mark d. Spot e. Wound

f. Bleeding of a wound or a skin scar Others

5. The treatment of skin cancer is mostly:

a. Medical b. Surgical others

6. Early detected skin cancer can be cured:

True False

7. Lately discovered skin cancer (metastasis) is mortal: True False

VI-Assessment Of The Knowledge Of Screening Of Skin Cancer. Answer by True or False:

1. Which people should be screened for skin cancer?

a. Only people with a skin disease

b. Only non-albinos people

c. Albinos also

d. Everybody

e. Others

2. When should skin cancer screening be done?

a. At any time b. When one has a skin lesion

3. At what frequency should skin cancer screening be done? a. Anytime when the occasion arises b. Regularly

c. three or four times/year

d. When one has time