Name of Sixty JiaZi

State of ten heavenly Stems

good or bad

Name of Sixty JiaZi

State of ten heavenly Stems

good or bad

comprehensive name

1JiaZi (甲子)

bath (沐)

lucky (吉)

2YiChou (乙丑)

decay (衰)

fierce (凶)

Gold_in_the_sea (海中金)

3BingYin (丙寅)

grow (长)

lucky (吉)

4DingMao (丁卯)

disease (病)

fierce (凶)

Fire_in_the_stove (炉中火)

5WuChen (戊辰)

crown (冠)

lucky (吉)

6JiSi (己巳)

emperor (帝)

lucky (吉)

Wood_in_the_big_tree (大林木)

7GengWu (庚午)

bath (沐)

lucky (吉)

8XinWei (辛未)

decay (衰)

lucky (吉)

Soil_in_the_roadside (路旁土)

9RenShen (壬申)

grow (长)

fierce (凶)

10GuiYou (癸酉)

disease (病)

fierce (凶)

Metal_of_blade (剑锋金)

11JiaXu (甲戌)

raise (养)

lucky (吉)

12YiHai (乙亥)

death (死)

fierce (凶)

Fire_on_the_hill (山头火)

13BingZi (丙子)

child (胎)

lucky (吉)

14DingChou (丁丑)

tomb (墓)

fierce (凶)

Water_in_the_mountain_ravine (涧下水)

15WuYin (戊寅)

grow (长)

lucky (吉)

16JiMao (己卯)

disease (病)

lucky (吉)

Soil_in_the_city_wall (城墙土)

17GengChen (庚辰)

raise (养)

lucky (吉)

18XinSi (辛巳)

death (死)

lucky (吉)

Gold_in_the_ash (白腊金)

19RenWu (壬午)

child (胎)

fierce (凶)

20GuiWei (癸未)

tomb (墓)

fierce (凶)

Wood_in_the_willow_tree (杨柳木)

21JiaShen (甲申)

extinction (绝)

lucky (吉)

22YiYou (乙酉)

extinction (绝)

fierce (凶)

Water_in_the_spring (泉中水)

23BingXu (丙戌)

tomb (墓)

lucky (吉)

24DingHai (丁亥)

child (胎)

lucky (吉)

Soil_on_the_house (屋上土)

25WuZi (戊子)

child (胎)

lucky (吉)

26JiChou (己丑)

tomb (墓)

fierce (凶)

Fire_from_the_blue_fire (霹雳火)

27GengYin (庚寅)

extinction (绝)

flat (平)

28XinMao (辛卯)

extinction (绝)

fierce (凶)

Wood_in_the_pine_tree (松柏木)

29RenChen (壬辰)

tomb (墓)

lucky (吉)

30GuiSi (癸巳)

child (胎)

flat (平)

Water_in_the_usual_running (常流水)

31JiaWu (甲午)

death (死)

lucky (吉)

32YiWei (乙未)

raise (养)

lucky (吉)

Gold_in_the_sand (沙中金)

33BingShen (丙申)

disease (病)

lucky (吉)

34DingYou (丁酉)

grow (长)

fierce (凶)

Fire_under_the_mountain (山下火)

35WuXu (戊戌)

tomb (墓)

lucky (吉)

36JiHai (己亥)

child (胎)

fierce (凶)

Wood_in_the_ground (平地木)

37GengZi (庚子)

death (死)

lucky (吉)

38XinChou (辛丑)

raise (养)

flat (平)

Soil_in_a_small_wall (壁上土)

39RenYin (壬寅)

disease (病)

lucky (吉)

40GuiMao (癸卯)

grow (长)

fierce (凶)

Gold_in_the_gold_foil (金箔金)

41JiaChen (甲辰)

decay (衰)

lucky (吉)

42YiSi (乙巳)

bath (沐)

flat (平)

Fire_in_Buddha’s_lights (佛灯火)

43BingWu (丙午)

emperor (帝)

fierce (凶)

44DingWei (丁未)

crown (冠)

fierce (凶)

Water_in_the_sky_of_river (天河水)

45WuShen (戊申)

disease (病)

lucky (吉)

46JiYou (己酉)

grow (长)

fierce (凶)

Soil_in_the_great_post (大驿土)

47GengXu (庚戌)

decay (衰)

lucky (吉)

48XinHai (辛亥)

bath (沐)

lucky (吉)

Gold_in_the_jewelry_of_women (钗钏金)

49RenZi (壬子)

emperor (帝)

flat (平)

50GuiChou (癸丑)

crown (冠)

flat (平)

Wood_in_the_sang_cudrania_tricuspidata (桑柘木)

51JiaYin (甲寅)

officer (官)

flat (平)

52YiMao (乙卯)

officer (官)

lucky (吉)

Water_in_the_large_streams (大溪水)

53BingChen (丙辰)

crown (冠)

fierce (凶)

54DingSi (丁巳)

officer (官)

fierce (凶)

Earth_in_the_sand (沙中土)

55WuWu (戊午)

emperor (帝)

flat (平)

56JiWei (己未)

crown (冠)

fierce (凶)

Fire_in_the_sky (天上火)

57GengShen (庚申)

officer (官)

lucky (吉)

58XinYou (辛酉)

officer (官)

flat (平)

Wood_in_the_pomegranate (石榴木)

59RenXu (壬戌)

crown (冠)

fierce (凶)

60GuiHai (癸亥)

emperor (帝)

fierce (凶)

Water_in_the_ocean (大洋水)