
Environmental risk factors

Environmental disclosure score―measure based on the extent of a company’s environmental disclosure

Total energy consumption―includes energy consumed as electricity or through combustion in boilers, vehicles, etc.

Energy intensity per employee―energy consumed per employee

Total amount of electricity used

Total amount of water used

Water intensity per employee―water consumed per employee

Total CO2 emissions of the company

Number of employee representatives on the board

Environmental Cost―cost of environmental conservation and other environmental initiatives undertaken during the normal course of business

Environmental Quality Management―indicates whether the company has introduced any kind of environmental management system

Emission Reduction―indicates whether the company has implemented any initiatives to reduce its environmental emissions to air

Energy Efficiency Policy―indicates whether the company has implemented any initiatives to make its use of energy more efficient

Waste Reduction―indicates whether the company has implemented any initiatives to reduce its waste

Climate Change Policy―indicates whether the company has outlined its intention to help reduce global emissions of the Greenhouse Gases

Green Building―indicates whether the company has taken any steps towards using environmental technologies in construction of its buildings

Social risk factors

Research and development expenses divided by cash flow from operations

Personnel expenses per employee―personnel expenses divided by the number of employees

Number of employee representatives on the board

Social disclosure score―measure based on the extent of a company’s social disclosure

Total number of company employees

Percentage of the board of directors that is comprised of non-executive directors

Number of directors on the company’s board

Number of independent directors on the company’s board

Percentage Independent Director―independent directors as a percentage of total board membership

Social Supply Chain―indicates whether the company has implemented any initiatives to reduce the social risks in its supply chain

Human Rights―indicates whether the company has implemented any initiatives to protect rights of all people it works with

ESG Linked Bonus―indicates whether executive compensation is linked to Environmental, Social and Governance goals

Health Safety Policy―indicates whether the company has recognized its health and safety risks